Saturday 26 January 2013

Happiness is dull, dark, grey and wet

As I'm sitting here the rain is pounding on the roof and it's one of the loveliest sounds in the world.
It's been raining for a few days now and I'm certainly not sick and tired of it as some people seem to be.  I'm love, love, loving it so much.
Lots of rain also means plenty of mud and I've had two cherubs needing a bit of a hose off on the odd occasion during the last couple of days. 
They've had plenty of fun in the process though.

Lots of rain means indoor pursuits.  There's been plenty of wrestling, puzzles to be done, colouring in, crafty things and of course movie watching.

I've been doing some crafty things of my own.  I'm nearly finished a couple of other sewing projects but mostly I'm trying to finish my blanket. 
I'm not having a love affair with this blanket, mainly because I realised just how many people were making the same style.  That made me put it aside for ages and even think of pulling it apart but that would have been just silly.
I tried it on Little Miss R's bed the other day, just to see how many more rows I would need to make and it looked really good so now I've decided that I'll concentrate on finishing it and then can start on something else.  It'll probably be a ripple blanket in blues cause that's what Master M has asked for.
This close to going back to school there's been plenty of covering and labelling of all those school books and pencils etc.

If anyone has a foolproof method of stopping the below happening I would really appreciate it.  I don't think I have one book contacted without bumps and ripples in it.  Crap stuff is contact!

We also went to visit Grandma who is back from her holiday in the north.  That meant a few belated Christmas gifts for the kids who were SO EXCITED!!!!  Lego all round this time so there'll be lots of building to add to our indoor fun while the rain tumbles down.
Master M also got his birthday present from Grandma which is a pretty huge truck.  It's now his favourite toy and he keeps putting his lego in the back and driving it around the house. 

Another heavy shower has just started so I think I may go and do a bit more of my blanket while I have the chance.
I hope you are all getting some lovely rain where you are if you need it, especially in the Southern states where the fires are continuing to be bad.  If I knew how I'd send some of the rain your way.
xx Susan

1 comment:

Sandy said...

I know it's wonderful isn't it. The pool is almost overflowing. Have you sewn anymore clothes? You'll have to come and trace off some of my patterns. I realised how many I have during my clean out of the craft/sewing cupboards yesterday. I've set aside a heap of patterns for you and have a growing stash of fabric for you also. Offcuts that will suit kids clothes, handbags etc and some fabric I just know I'll never get around to using now I'm painting.