Wednesday 29 May 2019

Venetian Shawl

I'm wanting a bit of visual hooky stuff right now as I haven't been crocheting much this week.  Our new car (bought December) is currently over 350 kilometres away and waiting on an assessment to see if it's a right off or not.

Everyone's okay but sadly the dog that got hit didn't make it.  There was a few other dramas of course but it's all getting sorted now and we're just waiting to see what the next step is.  Hubby's working out other options to get back to work later in the week and the kids, Patch and I will keep chugging along in our beastie which we love.

So, hooky stuff.

You may remember I started playing around with some yarn one night a couple of months ago.  The photo below is what came out of that first random idea but it really wasn't working.  So I kept playing around with it until I found a pattern that I liked and started to work it up into a new shawl.

Every time I worked on it I kept thinking about the day my sister and I explored Venice (over 15 years ago now!)

The weather was gorgeous and we had the most amazing day.  Not long after we got off the train we decided that we were just going to make our way to the Piazza San Marco and pretty well explore along the way.

If you've been to Venice then you will know that on the corner of the buildings there are signs with arrows pointing which way to go to get to the Rialto Bridge and Piazza San Marco.  Some signs had two and even three arrows so you could basically choose any of the alleys or streets and you would end up there.

So we decided it would be fun to get 'lost' and chose the streets and alleys that weren't the main or crowded ones.

As a result we found some amazing little treasure shops and cafes and had pretty well one of the best days EVER!

That's what I kept thinking about every time I worked on this shawl and it does remind me of the wonky streets, canals and bridges throughout Venice.

So that's what I named it of course.  The Venetian Shawl.

I've written up a pattern for it in both UK and US terms as well and it's available on Ravelry or on Etsy.

Lets hope I get to finish another version I'm making of it in a Sheepjes Whirl this week.  I'm using their Slice o Cherry Pie colour for something different and I'm loving the blends of this one.

It's actually almost done but the car drama has placed it on hold for a little.

It's not all crochet either as I've got pieces of fabric cut up and ready to sew together for a bag lining when I get the chance to get back to it.  I worked on the bag when Miss R was in hospital and it's been sitting patiently waiting for me to line it and finish it off.  I'll get there!

Enjoy the rest of your week.

xx Susan


Christina said...

I am sorry to hear you were involved in an accident and I hope the car gets started soon.

Venice is fun, I visited as a young teenager with my parents and brother. I wonder if it has changed much? Probably. Your shawl has the colours of the sea, very appropriate for a Venetian shawl. I can't get excited about crochet myself but maybe someone else can crochet a shawl for me one day. I'll know where to look for a pattern :-)

Jane said...

Gorgeous colours! It makes you think of the colours of Venetian glass. I'm not much of a traveller and don't like going abroad, though I think how nice it would be. Looking forward to seeing your next project. Best, Jane :)

My Creative Life said...

Like the colours in your shawl and the story behind it. Hoping your car situation will be sorted soon. I'm sorry to hear about your car accident, how awful for you all. Take care, Cathy x

Teresa Kasner said...

You are so lucky to get to go to Venice and when you were young enough to walk around and have fun. Too many people, like me, wait to go until we get older and then can't walk for miles and miles. Your shawl is a beauty! I love my shawls so much and wear them almost daily. I get so many compliments on them! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

Let's Get Sewing said...

This looks great, I really like the colours.