Tuesday 23 July 2019

Vitamin C (Sea)

Every morning Miss R and I are enjoying a glass each of fresh squeezed orange juice.

Nothing beats a good natural dose of Vitamin C in the winter and we are lucky that my Mum has a LOADED navel orange tree so we pop around for a visit, pick a box full then enjoy fresh squeezed juice each morning.

Master M doesn't like the texture of the fresh juice so every now and then when he wants to have some, I strain it through a tea strainer first and he's happy with that.

I've also had a wonderful dose of the Vitamin Sea kind this week.

I first saw it referred to as Vitamin Sea in the comments section of someone's blog awhile ago.  I can't remember whose blog or who commented but I loved it and thought it was so apt.

We have been experiencing the most gorgeous winter weather lately and I decided that I needed a dose of the ocean.

Hubby is home for a few days this week so during school time we headed down to Caloundra.  He had something he needed to do so he dropped me off at the beach and came back to pick me up a little later and I can't tell you how much I needed that time.

Afterwards we enjoyed fish and chips for lunch before heading home to pick the kids up from school.

Sometimes doing something on the spur of the moment is just the tonic that's needed.

xx Susan 


Jules said...

It must be wonderful being able to gather fresh oranges. The juice must be so sweet and delicious.
Beautiful sea views. X

Billie Jo said...

I love fresh-squeezed orange juice!
I don't make it enough, though.
What a beautiful spot to spend some time.
Wish I could have lunch with you there!
Have a cozy evening, my friend.

Christina said...

I like winter in your part of the world - it is like our summer! I'd love to have an orange tree in my garden, a fresh orange is so much better than one that has travelled hundreds of miles in some airconditioned container. Have a lovely week x

sewing green lady said...

Oh how wonderful to be able to just pop to the beach. It looks beautiful and peaceful, I can just imagine how crammed our beaches will be at the moment with heatwave we are having. x

Teresa Kasner said...

What wonderful things, fresh oranges and the beautiful ocean. I could use some of both.
((hugs)), Teresa :-)