Sunday 26 August 2018

The ants go marching

We've had a little trouble with ants marching through our house in recent months but haven't been able to find where they were coming from.

Mystery solved.  They were making a lovely nest in my fabric which I haven't touched since Christmas.

I was thinking about a future project so decided to sort through my fabric to see if I had anything that would suit only to find myself confronted with THOUSANDS of ants.  Not one of them was visible from the outside of the fabric but once I unwrapped it then it was game on.

I thought I was very ingenious years ago by wrapping the longer pieces of fabric around some corflute so I could stack them up like soldiers and have nice, neat shelves rather than a teetering mess.

Apparently the ants thought it was ingenious of me too as they made nests in the centre of the corflute.  The above and below shot shows you the last pieces that I tossed in the bin and they were the least infected which is why you're getting a photo.

I had about 15 other pieces that every hole you see was full and literally thousands of ants running over each piece of corflute.  There was more black from the ants than white corflute!  I was not taking the time to stop for a photo shoot with the ants running up my arms.

Apparently squealing and running around tossing fabric is a normal thing for me too.  The kids didn't notice a thing.  I'm not sure how concerned I should be about the fact that me acting like a lunatic doesn't hit their radar.

The dog noticed though but he just stood in the yard looking from the pile of fabric to me and back to the fabric like he was at a tennis match.  

I think my lesson is that I need to sew more. :)

I'm also pleased to say that our ant problem seems to have been solved and I now have clean fabric and tidy shelves.

I also took the time to declutter my fabric and took a really good look at what was there and what I thought I would use.  About a third of it will now go to a new home where hopefully it will become the perfect project for someone else (yes I washed and ironed it first).  I find it so much easier to declutter when I think of someone being happy or excited about getting something of mine that I may love but no longer have a use for.

I hope you all have a lovely week.  I will be enjoying an ant free one. :)

xx Susan


CJ said...

Yikes, definitely more sewing needed! I can relate to children not noticing a drama, mine are much the same. I love the image of the dog looking backwards and forwards, bemused no doubt. I think I shall get my fabric out tonight and think about sewing something. CJ xx

Christina said...

Yikes, that's a lot of ants! I think a bit of a squeal is perfectly in order. Children are not always the most empathic creatures :-) Mine wouldn't bat an eyelid if I was rolling on the floor covered in ants.... Have a good week. x

Teresa Kasner said...

Egads.. what a terrible infestation to find! But now you know and have all clean and organized fabric and decluttered in the bargain. I have a tidying project coming up as I'm getting a new easy chair and it's time to remove some of the "nest" I've made. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

Angie said...

It's hard to beleive but of course your photos don't lie. I liked your positive attitude after the initial panic.You took it as a chance to declutter and sew more. I like your attitude !!!