Sometimes life can seem just a little off centre.
My equilibrium seems to have been out for a couple of months now and one of the things that I've let slide a bit is my blogging.
Life has still gone on pretty well as normal but the whole thought of turning the computer on and blogging hasn't appealed very often.
I'm starting to get back on track now and the axis is tilting in the right direction. That's a good thing but I now have months of blog reading to catch up on to see what my 'friends' have been up to while I've been in my self-imposed exile.
I won't bore you with everything I've been up to because it's not been that exciting I can tell you.
Last night though (Saturday), my brother-in-law Jeff took my mum and myself to the football which was awesome.
It was an AFL game between the Brisbane Lions and Carlton. Unfortunately the Lions lost but it was a really good game. It was the first live AFL match that mum and I had ever been to and it made a lot more sense seeing it live. I really enjoyed it.
However being Rugby Union and Rugby League girls we did get a bit frustrated when they couldn't keep hold of the ball and had no idea what was going on half the time. We just cheered when the rest of the crowd did!
The kids' school also has their Annual Big Night Out coming up in a couple of weeks which is their school fete. It's also the 125th anniversary of the school so there'll be plenty of celebrations commemorating the history of the school too which will be wonderful.
I've been busy making tomato relish for Master M's classes gardening and produce stall and still have some lemon butter to make for it.
I'll let you know about the day once it's over as it's sure to be a great celebration.
Another thing I've been doing lately is knitting. I tried it about a year or more ago then it got put away as I just couldn't work it out. The two needles was proving a problem for a girl who likes to use just one crochet hook.
This time I decided to give it a go and thanks to the many fantastic YouTube tutorials, I'm now able to knit pretty well AND FIX MY MISTAKES!!
While I've been doing my knitting and crochet the sewing seems to have gone by the wayside for now. Ah well, there's no point having too many projects on the go at once is there?
For now though I'm off the have some family time and then catch up on some of your blogs.
xx Susan